Manage your finances from your pocket! With dunia Mobile, you can monitor your account balance, view statements, transfer funds, pay your bills, stay updated about offers and have ‘Qwik’ access to a host of other services. What’s more? At a click of a button, request a call back from the dunia team to assist you on any service. Install the app, register with your mobile number and benefit from a range of features and services, designed for your convenience.
dunia Mobile allows you to:
- Register on the app and become a dunia customer
- Manage your accounts
- Transfer funds using duniaQwikCash
- Activate and manage your credit card
- Enjoy 24x7 customer service through duniaQwikHelp
- Apply for products through duniaQwikApply
- Scan and email documents with duniaQwikScan
- Receive exclusive, personalised offers through duniaQwikOffers
- Get product information with duniaQwikInfo
- Browse your favourite websites through duniaQwik Lifestyle
- Locate our branches and contact us with ease
- Watch exciting videos on duniaTV